Brew my own beer ? Me ?

Yes! Brewing has been done for century’s. Back in the days of the Sumerians (4000 B.C) and the Egyptians (3000 to 500 B.C). So why do you think you can’t ? It takes some learning of course, but it’s no rocket science to brew your own delicious beer. It also doesn’t take lot’s of money to get started. There are actually 2 ways to start with brewing:

All grain brewing

All grain brewing is the real deal, it is how it’s done in all professional breweries across the world, and it should be your ultimate goal. You could start with an all grain brewing kit (first time brewing, i would recommend), our you could search a recipe at the internet and follow that. Brewing is in some way the same as cooking: follow the recipe and you’ll be fine. (if it’s a good recipe of course). All grain brewing includes the following steps

  • Sanitize all of your materials
  • Grind your malts
  • Mash
  • Sparge
  • Boil
  • Add hops
  • Cool your wort
  • Add yeast
  • Ferment
  • Bottle

Each step will be subscribed in a separate post on this page very soon. Please come back and learn. For all grain brewing you also need some equipment. If you are serious with brewing, you could go for an all-in-one brew system. If you are just getting started, not sure this is something for you, or you are on a budget: You can brew in your kitchen with very little investments to be made to. Based on a batch of 1 gallon, this is what you need:


  • Brewing kettle (10 liters, or 8 qt)
  • Boiling kettle (same size .If you work with a straining bag,)
  • nylon straining bag (BIAB method)
  • ice packs (to cool the wort)
  • kitchen scale (to weigh your malts, hops…)
  • fermentation bucket or bottle around 10 qt
  • empty, clean beer bottles (i recommend swing-top bottles, you dont need a capper then)


Depending on the recipe of the beer you want to make.

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