Brugse zot

An old nickname.

The story of the Brugse Zot goes back to the medieval legend about Emperor Maximilian of Austria. The people of Bruges, however, find it difficult to accept the strict rule of their new ruler. Taxes are high and there is a climate of discontent and revolt. When Maximilian comes to Bruges in the spring of 1488 to suppress an uprising, the people of Bruges take their prince prisoner. Once released, Maximilian takes revenge by forbidding parties and fairs. To pacify him, the people of Bruges hold a big party in his honor, in which they let a colorful procession of exuberant revelers and fools pass by.

Afterwards they ask him for permission to hold annual fair again and to build a new madhouse. Maximilian’s answer? “Close all the gates of Bruges and you have a madhouse!”

Since then, the nickname of the people of Bruges has been ‘Brugse Zotten’ and this is also reflected several times in the history of the city. By launching the city beer ‘Brugse Zot’, the De Halve Maan brewery reminds the people of Bruges with a wink of their history.

The beer

Launched in 2005, after modernization of brewery De halve maan, this gold blond beer has been a success story ever since. 6% alcohol and full of taste thanks to 4 types of malt and 2 aromatic hops. The beer is well balanced and despite the fact that it’s not very high in alcohol, it has a lot of character. With an IBU of 23, everyone can enjoy this beer on it’s own, or with dinner. It’s ideal for occasions where a regular pils is to common, but a strong ale is…just to strong. I recommend this beer very much for a BBQ with friends. Believe me, i know 😉

The beer also has a low alcohol version, called sportzot. All tough I’ve often been disappointed by alcoholfree or low alcohol beer, i must say that this is a very good attempt. With a quotation of 2.73 on untappd, apparently i am not the only one who thinks about it this way. Sportzot is in fact Brugse zot that is pushed trough a special filter membrane, filtering the alcohol out of the beer. It’s not the same, i admit. We are all responsible drivers however, and for those occasions, i really can enjoy a sportzot above some soft drink.

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