Blonden os

“Blond ox” refers to the historical brewery “Den os” which existed from 1825 untill 1957 in the center of Bruges. Today the brewers of this beer are represented again in brewery Bourgogne des flandres
With 6.5% ABV, this beer is not much stronger than a regular Belgian pilsener. What you get here however is a top-fermented artisanal beer with a very nice mouthfeeling. A warm malty taste at the start and a gentle touch of hop bitterness in the end. What i’ve noticed the most about this beer, is it’s soft and pleasant character, yet spicy enough to charm a connoisseur. The beer is a pleasant change from the trend of strong hoppy beers that dominate the market these days.

I can definitely agree with the foodpairing recommended by the brewery: Asparagus Flemish style, but definitely also soft cheese and abbey cheese!

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