Brewery Huyghe


Having a brewing history since 1902, at today Huyghe is a hyper modern state of the art brewery with a respectable capacity of 350.000 Hectolitres. These Hectoliters consist of a wide range of different types of beers

Flagship of the brewery is their “Delirium” or “Delirium tremens”, named after the severe form of alcohol withdrawal. Patients who undergo this Delirium can have real strong hallucinations, and the story goes that one of these hallucinations is seeing pink elephants. Next to the Delirium Tremens, there are 8 other variety’s available:
Delirium red, argentum, nocturnum, Christmas, Deliria, Delirium blond and Delirium black. With approximately 8% ABV up to 11% ABV, we can say these beers belong to the strong beers.


Group visits are possible every day, but upon reservation only. The admission fee is 12 € pp for groups of minimum 15 people. For smaller groups minimum 100 € but you can inform to join a scheduled tour. Tasting is included.
Reservations and questions can be sent trough the reservation form


Geraardbergsesteenweg 2B
9090 Melle


+32 (0) 9252 15 01


Guided tour

Yes, upon reservation only. See reservation form.



> 15 p. = 12 € p.p.
smaller group = 100 €/group